
to Stowe Parish Church which is situated adjacent to Stowe House (the home of Stowe School) in the centre of the world famous Stowe Gardens run by the National Trust in Buckinghamshire, England.

The church building is more than 800 years old and information on the building, its history and the churchyard is available within this website.

We are an active parish church serving Stowe, Dadford and the surrounding area. We are part of the Benefice of North Buckingham with Stowe and Rev. Hans Taling is our rector.

We aim to be a warm, welcoming church serving our parishioners and all who come to visit us, including staff and pupils of Stowe School, and visitors to the National Trust Gardens. 

Next Services

Trinity 16 - 15th September 2024

9.45am:  Common Worship Communion 

Leader & Preacher:  Rev Hans Taling

Collect:  O Lord, we beseech thee, let thy continual pity cleanse and defend thy Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without thy succour, preserve it evermore by thy help and goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

This service will include Rev Cathy Pearce's licensing by the Associate Archdeacon, Rev Chris Bull.


Trinity 17 - 22nd September 2024

9.45am:  Morning Prayer 

Leader:  Andrew Rudolf

Preacher:  Paul Woods

Collect:  Lord, we pray thee that thy grace may always prevent and follow us, and make us continually to be given to all good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Latest News

A date for your diary:

Sunday 29th SeptemberHarvest Mission Morning Prayer Service at 9.45am at Stowe Parish Church led by Rev Cathy Pearce.

The latest Parish Newsletter is now available on the Newsletter page.


Future Services

Please go to the Services page to see the plan for other services.


Sermons and Talks

Sermons, talks and reflections are added to this website after most Sunday services and are available for you to read on the Sermons page. 


Bible Studies

We have a number of Bible Study Groups which you are welcome to join. Please go to the Bible Studies page to find out more.

Our History

Please click on the links to see information about the history of the church and the churchyards.


Visiting Us

You are welcome to pop in to see the church when you are visiting the National Trust's Stowe Gardens.

If you are attending a service in church or wish to drive to the church (without visiting Stowe Gardens) then please use the main entrance for Stowe School where the security team on the entrance gate will be able to direct you. General directions on how to find us by car can be found here.


Contacting Us

Please contact the benefice administrator (Val Rickwood) in the Parish Office for any enquiries including Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.

Contact details can be found here.

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